July 20, 2021
Why You Need a NJ Power of Attorney
Practice Area: Family Law,Estate Administration and Litigation | Tag:

In life, it’s always important to plan for the unexpected, as difficult as that may be. A power of attorney, referred to as your agent, is the person who will act on your behalf if you cannot do so yourself. Power of Attorney documents outline who will handle your financial matters, health care decisions, or care for your children. Keep reading to learn why and when you need an NJ power of attorney.
Why You Need an NJ Power of Attorney
To Protect Your Child
There are many diverse types of Power of Attorney that are used in case of emergency or in your absence. The most important Power of Attorney is for your child, which grants specific authority to a caregiver in a parents' absence. The document will allow the caregiver to make medical care, education, and other necessary decisions for the child. As a parent, this documentation does not change your parental rights or your ability to make decisions for your child; it simply allows another person to assist you when needed. It is crucial to choose someone you trust and who has a good relationship with your child.
To Protect your Finances
A Power of Attorney can also protect your home and finances. If you are ill or out of the country and unable to make financial decisions, your agent will be given the ability to execute your vision for your finances and property. It’s important to choose someone you think is responsible and whom you trust to communicate clearly and carry out your wishes.
To Execute Your Medical Choices
Your health is arguably the most important aspect of your life. When illnesses arise, you need to have someone you trust to execute your wishes for medical care and end-of-life scenarios. Your agent will be given the ability to make choices about treatment options, medication, surgery, end-of-life decisions, etc. This is also why having a strong will and personal directive is so important!
How and When to Get a Power of Attorney
The process of creating any legal document comes with a certain amount of risk as you need to understand the unique laws and requirements within your state to ensure the document is valid. A Power of Attorney can be outlined to direct estate administration or medical directive at any time and isn't a time-consuming process! We meet with you to discuss your goals, your choice of agent, and the other details required in Power of Attorney for a child should be put in place when you leave your child in another person's care for an extended period such as a long vacation, hospital stay, or work placement. You can extend or terminate the document at any time! We highly recommend using a law firm that specializes in and understands New Jersey law when creating a Power of Attorney. This can ensure the document is rock solid and that you've thought of every contingency that may arise.
No one wants to think about the worst-case scenario, but it is necessary when planning for your future. We have helped countless clients develop estate plans that support their current and future goals. Our lawyers will ensure that all your legal documents meet the state requirements. We'd be proud to help you.
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