November 26, 2019
Woman Takes to Social Media to Get Child Support
Practice Area: Family Law | Tag: Child Support

When one parent owes another child support payments, not receiving them can be devastating. Though there are many reasons that a parent may fail to pay child support, with many of them being understandable, the fact remains that children are the ones who suffer if those payments are not made. New Jersey families may be interested in the case of one woman from out of state who got so fed up with the amount of past-due child support from her ex-husband that she took to social media to plead her case.
According to the woman, her ex owed her over $50,000 back in 2013, but now she has to calculate the amount on her own. She claims that her local county's Department of Human Resources closed her case last year because it was unable to locate her ex-husband. She argues that she knows precisely where he lives and even where he attends church.
In her frustration, she made a public post on social media that detailed what she was going through. She started receiving payments soon after. However, she is unsure whether that was the exact catalyst, since her case also went before a court around the same time that left her case open.
Those who owe child support here in New Jersey may have their wages garnished or lose other privileges such as a driver's license or passport. They may also be subject to jail time. Whether a parent is having difficulty making or receiving child support payments, it is imperative that children receive those funds. Anyone who wants to enforce or modify an existing child support order or needs assistance in creating one may want to discuss their situation with an experienced family law attorney.